March 06, 2021
Why Winter is Great Time for Hair Restoration Treatments

Millions of men and women experience hair loss every day, but it can be very troubling when it happens to you. There’s great news, however, because there are many effective treatments to choose from now thanks to modern research and technology. One of these options is hair transplantation, and surprisingly, the colder winter months might just be the best time to have this procedure done.Discreet healing. For some hair transplantation procedures, it takes about seven to ten days to heal until your hair replacement is completely unnoticeable. However, many people choose to be discreet about their hair replacement treatment, so they choose to take a vacation for those first days of healing. Winter is the perfect time to take a vacation because many people like to get away from the cold and vacation somewhere warmer in the winter. You won’t raise any eyebrows when you announce your winter “snowbird” vacation, so you can take the time you need to heal while keeping your hair replacement treatment a secret.Enjoy your real vacation. When summer rolls around, you’ll be able to completely enjoy your real summer vacation because all the healing processes will likely be finished and you’ll have a thick, natural-looking head of hair. You can enjoy your time with family and friends and swim, surf, and play sports with confidence. Avoid sweating. After your hair transplantation procedure, the expert medical staff at Hair Restoration Institute will provide you with complete aftercare instructions as well as any products you need to keep your scalp area clean. It’s very crucial to keep your scalp clean to promote healing, especially in the first two weeks after your procedure. While sweating is a normal process, excess sweat can make it harder to keep the area clean. Because we’re much more prone to sweating in the hot summer months, the cooler winter months can be a better time for a hair replacement procedure. Hat weather. Most people are much more likely to wear hats in the winter, so covering up your treatment area with a warm winter hat will be more discreet. It can take seven to ten days for some of the healing processes, such as those that cause redness, to heal. During that time, in most cases, it’s safe to wear a loose-fitting, silk-lined hat or a hoodie sweatshirt to cover up any noticeable signs of healing, and since it’s cold out, wearing a hat will be perfectly natural. Because everyone’s healing processes are different, your hair restoration expert at the Hair Restoration Institute will explain whether hat-wearing is appropriate for you. Lower travel and hotel costs. With kids on vacation from school, most families travel in the summer. That makes the warm months a high-demand travel season, so airfares and hotel rates are usually more expensive. Many of our patients at the Hair Restoration Institute travel to our facility for their procedures, so there are some added expenses for travel costs. If you’re traveling to Bloomington, MN, for your hair replacement treatment, the winter months can be a more economical time for you to make the trip. At the Hair Restoration Institute, we provide two different types of hair transplantation treatments: FUE and FUT.
- FUE Hair Transplantation. NeoGraft® FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is an advanced procedure that uses donor follicles from other parts of your scalp to transplant them into thinning areas. It uses precision techniques to remove individual follicles without using a strip of hair, which can cause a linear scar. FUE lets you wear your hair very short while keeping your hair replacement procedure discreet.
- FUT Hair Transplantation. FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, uses precise strips of donor's hair to replace hair in thinning areas. Like FUE, it’s minimally invasive and the results are natural-looking and permanent.
Every person is different, so the expert hair loss specialists at Hair Restoration Institute will assess your needs and determine if hair transplantation is the right option for you, they will talk about whether FUE or FUT is the best choice for your needs. The first step in taking control of your hair loss is a free, private consultation with one of our hair loss professionals at the Hair Restoration Institute. Make an appointment today and our experts will take a full assessment of your overall health, your hair loss, and your concerns about hair replacement, then we’ll create a personalized hair replacement plan. You can find us at 8030 Old Cedar Ave S Ste 202 in Bloomington, MN, or call 612-588-HAIR (4247) for a private, complimentary consultation.