Dermal Lens Hair Replacement For Women
The perfect hair loss solution for women with thinning hair.
HRI’s Dermal Lens Effect Hair Replacement for Women is our newest solution for women experiencing hair loss or thinning hair.
Our exclusive Dermal Lens women’s hair replacement systems are a different type of alternative for women who are suffering from hair loss caused by alopecia areata, trichotillomania, hormones or other medical causes.
Created with the latest in European women’s hair replacement technology, Dermal Lens Effect custom hair replacements for women can dramatically increase the density, thickness and length of a woman’s thinning hair, naturally and undetectably.

HRI’s Dermal Lens Replacement
HRI’s DERMAL LENS HAIR REPLACEMENT FOR WOMEN is ideal for the busy woman with thinning hair. Custom created with 100% natural Euro-texture human hair, your Dermal Lens Effect custom hair system is integrated perfectly into your existing hair to give you the perfect natural look and style you’ve always dreamt of having. And it is absolutely undetectable.
Make no mistake, our exclusive Dermal Lens procedure is not an “on again, off again” machine made wig. Your new hair becomes part of your growing hair, and therefore, a part of you.
Imagine seeing yourself 24/7 with a great look full head of hair. Now you don’t have to worry about going out in the rain, or going outdoors on a windy day. You don’t have to worry about people looking at your scalp when they are talking to you instead of look at you. With Dermal Lens Hair Replacement for Women, you not only get your hair back, you get your confidence and smile back, too.
Beautiful Custom Hair Loss Solutions For Women
The uniqueness of the Dermal Lens hair replacement system allows for the most natural look imaginable. Your hair will fall and move naturally. There’s no built-up, wiggy appearance, since your new hair has been integrated to your existing hair and scalp.
The result? Your friends might well think your hair grew back. Or that you tried a new hairstyle. With our new Dermal Lens procedure, they just can’t tell. Unless you do.
The caring staff at Hair Restoration Institute of Minnesota will help you create the perfect look and style you want with a custom Dermal Lens hair loss solution that compliments your busy life, sense of style and your personality.
Our highest quality hair replacement solutions give women experiencing androgenetic alopecia, thinning hair, and hair loss due to medical disorders, the confidence to socialize with family and friends and to pursue their active lifestyle and career goals.
We invite you to come in and see for yourself the amazing selection of women’s hair loss solutions at Hair Restoration Institute of Minnesota and see why HRI is considered one of the most trusted hair restoration facilities in the country.

My friends all tell me how fantastic I look…
‘’HRI Dermal Lens Effects blends invisibly with my own thinning hair to give me the natural length and fullness I’ve always wanted. My friends all tell me how fantastic I look, and best of all nobody knows my secret.”