August 15, 2021

Hair Restoration for Transgender Individuals


Millions of people experience hair loss and two of the main factors that can cause it are genetics and hormones. For transgender individuals, hair loss can be especially troubling because either of these two factors, as well as many others, can play a role. Fortunately, modern science has provided some of the best hair replacement options for everyone experiencing hair loss, and we can help you determine which choices will work for you at the Hair Replacement Institute.

There’s a long list of possible causes of hair loss, which is why so many people experience it, some earlier in life than others. Causes can range from stress and nutritional factors to medical conditions and treatments like chemotherapy. While not exclusive to transgender men and women, hair loss from hormones or genetics is possible for these individuals.

Hormones. The male sex hormone testosterone can be a significant factor in hair loss. Testosterone comes in different forms, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the potent form that is most thought to be responsible for pattern baldness. Hair grows from your hair follicles, and these follicles have androgen receptors that bind to testosterone in your system. Follicles also have natural phases of hair growth, rest, and shedding. Once DHT binds to the receptor in a follicle, it can affect the growth stage of that follicle. When too many follicles are in the resting stage, hair begins to appear thinner because fewer follicles are growing hair. Testosterone, once it binds to the follicle, can switch more of them to the resting stage. This can result in hair loss called pattern balding.

Genetics. Genetics is one of the top causes of hair loss. You may have already noticed that hair loss seems to run in families, with both men and women experiencing hair loss in patterns. This is likely because genetics determine how sensitive your hair follicles can be to factors, like testosterone, that can affect these follicles.Hair loss is not always caused by a single factor. Instead, it’s usually more of a complex interaction between factors like genetics and hormones that result in visible hair loss.

Special concerns for transgender individuals. Trans men taking testosterone through hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, may begin to experience hair loss, but as we noted before, testosterone alone may not be the only factor. For trans women, even those on HRT taking female hormones, it’s possible that genetic hair loss will continue to form in patterns found in the rest of the family.

But for all individuals, including trans men and women, there is hope for hair restoration. with state-of-the-art technology, advanced medical procedures, and effective hair replacement systems, it’s possible to restore a full head of natural-looking hair.At the Hair Replacement Institute, we work with hundreds of men and women, including transgender individuals, to find the right hair replacement choice for each person. Some of our treatment options include:

  • FUT or FUE hair transplantation, for permanent hair restoration
  • Dermal Lens hair replacement systems for a natural, non-surgical option to hair replacement
  • PRP and laser light therapy to encourage hair growth, especially in the early stages of hair loss or following a hair transplantation procedure
  • Custom wigs that look and feel natural
  • Scalp micropigmentation, for a fuller look for those who wear their hair very short in a buzz cut
  • Hair loss prevention products that stimulate follicles for healthy hair growth

In every case, the first step in taking control of your hair loss, including for transgender individuals, is to make an appointment at Hair Restoration Institute. We’ll start with a free, discreet professional consultation with one of our hair loss medical professionals to determine the extent of your hair loss, its possible causes, your goals for hair replacement, and your overall health, then we’ll create a personalized plan to help restore your hair – and your self-esteem and self-confidence – once again. You can find us at 8030 Old Cedar Ave S Ste 202 in Bloomington, MN, or call 612-588-HAIR (4247) for a private, complimentary consultation.