January 17, 2019
Hair Loss and Improving your Self-Esteem in 2019

Starting a new year often means to make new resolutions. Some people may look to become more healthy, while others may look to eat healthily. There are some they look to improve their self-esteem and that means doing something about their hair loss. If you suffer from thinning hair or hair loss, well we have put together some information about hair loss and improving your self-esteem.
Mentality Affected By Hair Loss
Yes, it may be true that hair loss may not seem like a big deal when you compare it to some of the other types of health issues people face. If you take a look back through history, you will see that our hair has always been important. People will often judge your health by how your hair looks. Our hair can make us feel great, just think back to your last good hair day and you see what I mean. Your confidence level goes up when you have great-looking hair. A dermatologist and Harvard Medical School instructor Maryanne Senna, MD, who specializes in hair loss from an evolutionary perspective says that having hair that is thick and luscious has traditionally been a sign of youth, fitness, and good health. For a person to lose their hair it can be difficult to accept and for women, it can be even more detrimental to their self-esteem.
What Can You Do?
Some people who have thinning hair may turn to the latest fad. Whether it be a new supplement or shampoo that comes with a promise of working or going on the internet where there is no shortage of information that is questionable at best. It’s a natural reaction to want to find a cure for your thinning hair. The problem with hair loss is that it is often tied to underlying medical issues.
To really find a treatment that will work you need to first find out the real cause of your hair loss. Some of the reasons that people may develop hair loss can range from stress, autoimmune disorders, hormonal imbalances, and many, many other causes. By seeing a hair loss specialist, they can help you find the real cause of your hair loss, and help you find the right solution that not only will restore your hair but increase your self-esteem.
What Treatments are Available?
Today more than ever there are many different hair replacement and hair restoration options for men and women, including PRP Platelet Rich Plasma hair restoration therapy. They range from non-surgical and laser hair therapy treatments to hair extensions and wigs. If you are one of the many men and women with thinning hair and are looking for a solution, we encourage you to let us help you. At Hair Restoration Institute of Minnesota, we have proven and effective hair replacement and hair restoration solutions that can make you love your hair again.